Sunday Streets in The Mission. San Francisco. July 11, 2010. FREE.

11 07 2010

Sunday Streets in The Mission. San Francisco. July 11, 2010. FREE.

Youth is still King.

2nd Annual Michael Jackson Flashmob Tribute. Ferry Building Plaza, San Francisco. June 25, 2010. FREE.

26 06 2010

You know it’s a good sign when Frank Chu, PLANT TREES, and D. Miles Jr. are all there at the start of your party, along with half a dozen other unique San Francisco icons that I recognize but don’t have their urls. All the planets were in perfect alignment for this one.

There was a moment where Deep took the microphone and was teasing all the people on the steps of the tower for not participating. “C’mon, all you bloggers. It’s OK to dance” But it’s true. A year ago the steps to the tower were filled with skaters. Now it’s all bloggers.

Video courtesy of Kevin Syoza


“It’s OK. You can sing, San Francisco. Don’t be embarrassed. C’mon Hippsters!”

Flashdance Party at the Ferry Plaza. August 1st, 2009. FREE.

Amandeep Jawa (Flashdance) and D Miles Jr (Skatin’ Place) vs SFPD. San Francisco Halloween 2009. FREE.

2nd Annual Sunset Music and Arts Picnic. June 13, 2010. Treasure Island. FREE.

14 06 2010

2nd Annual Sunset Music and Arts Picnic. June 13, 2010. Treasure Island. FREE 3

2nd Annual Sunset Music and Arts Picnic. June 13, 2010. Treasure Island. FREE 1

2nd Annual Sunset Music and Arts Picnic. June 13, 2010. Treasure Island. FREE 7

2nd Annual Sunset Music and Arts Picnic. June 13, 2010. Treasure Island. FREE 17

2nd Annual Sunset Music and Arts Picnic. June 13, 2010. Treasure Island. FREE 13

2nd Annual Sunset Music and Arts Picnic. June 13, 2010. Treasure Island. FREE 23

2nd Annual Sunset Music and Arts Picnic. June 13, 2010. Treasure Island. FREE 31

2nd Annual Sunset Music and Arts Picnic. June 13, 2010. Treasure Island. FREE 36

Even though it’s been falling apart for decades now, Treasure Island is still a really fun place to explore. This is what the future is going to look like once the zombies take over and there aren’t any city workers or DHARMA Initiative left to maintain all of our monuments to excess.

In just a few years Treasure Island is going to look radically different. What a great excuse for San Francisco to go spend the day on this pocket of earth that is out of step with time right before it gets an urban facelift.


Great video of ground zero footage from bird415

My favorite part is the kid on the speakers who’s far more interested in his gameboy than with anything that’s going on at the park party.

Seize the day, my friend.


Sunset. FREE Party on Treasure Island.

Critical Mass Bonfire. Ocean Beach, Outer Sunset. May 28, 2010. FREE.

29 05 2010

Critical Mass Bonfire. Ocean Beach, Outer Sunset. May 28, 2010. FREE 1

Critical Mass Bonfire. Ocean Beach, Outer Sunset. May 28, 2010. FREE 2

Or at least it was advertised as a Critical Mass Bonfire.

There was already well over a hundred people manning all of the Burning Man Bonfire Pits a good hour before sundown and before any of the riders showed up. After sundown most of the Critical Mass kids decided to stay up on the street with their open containers and get arrested. Welcome to the Sunset, hipster. Regardless, it was a glorious San Diego day at the beach; low-70s, no clouds, minimal winds, and lots of sun. What a perfect excuse for San Francisco to go hang out at the beach.


Tripping Out on the Architecture of The Outer Sunset along the Great Highway

The Brass Tax 4th Annual BTxGGPPwBC4. May 22 2010. Golden Gate Park. FREE.

24 05 2010

The Brass Tax 4th Annual BTxGGPPwBC4. May 22 2010. Golden Gate Park. FREE 1

The Brass Tax 4th Annual BTxGGPPwBC4. May 22 2010. Golden Gate Park. FREE 3

The Brass Tax 4th Annual BTxGGPPwBC4. May 22 2010. Golden Gate Park. FREE 7

The Brass Tax 4th Annual BTxGGPPwBC4. May 22 2010. Golden Gate Park. FREE 11

Windy is my hero.

1) Girl with tennis racket and knee high tube socks? Check!
2) Dude with gold-plated mixtape necklace? Check!
3) Activate. Party. Now.

I love that dog.

The Brass Tax 4th Annual BTxGGPPwBC4. May 22 2010. Golden Gate Park. FREE 33

The Brass Tax 4th Annual BTxGGPPwBC4. May 22 2010. Golden Gate Park. FREE 2

And look at that, plenty of parking at 1PM. How beautiful is that?

I’m kind of biased since this is The Outer Sunset part of Golden Gate Park, but I really like this part of the park. This bend in particular reminds me a lot of postcards from Hawaii. Almost to the point of being a manmade reflection of what people think paradise is suppose to look like. That and the fact that I keep expecting to trip over Spock’s body from the end of Wrath of Khan whenever I go exploring out here.


The Brass Tax. FREE party in Golden Gate Park

Three Heads Six Arms by Zhang Huan. Opening Reception: May 12, 2010. Civic Center, San Francisco. FREE.

13 05 2010

Zhang Huan’s Three Heads Six Arms 1

Zhang Huan’s Three Heads Six Arms 7

Speaking of Buddhas making a home for themselves in San Francisco …

Civic Center is a weirdo magnet. There aren’t as many homeless squatters as when I first moved here, the majority of them have migrated upstream to the United Nations Plaza, but Civic Center still remains a weirdo magnet.

And Civic Center is also ground zero for various parties and political rallies over the year. There’s Love Fest which brings in some 100,000 people, and Pride next month which brings in some one million people and is one of the largest outdoor festivals on the West Coast.

Hopefully my new buddy here, Three Heads Six Arms, will survive unmolested during his stay here.

I’m already looking forward to what kind of party and protest pictures he will appear in 2010 – 2011.

Sunset Season Opener at Stafford Lake. April 25, 2010. FREE.

26 04 2010

Sunset 2010 Season Opener at Stafford Lake 1

What a glorious day in the park.

I took the Transported SF bus to Stafford Lake again and I think I’m committed to this relationship.

As long as this bus is going to Sunset I will be on it.

It was really interesting to be part of a dance floor experience that traveled down Mission St at golf cart speeds to confused looks from the locals, take flight down the open highway, and then come down for a landing in the outskirts of Novato to one of the greatest free massives the West Coast has to offer.

We touched down at 2PM and there was easily more than a thousand people already there with hundreds more marching in over the horizon like an invading army. It was epic.

There’s already several videos online but I like this one courtesy of chrislrosa because I think it’s great that we live in an era where less than 24 hours after any major event you can find video footage of yourself online filmed by a stranger. Watch out for those flying elbows, Mike.

It’s interesting to think of life in the underground as a neverending adventure. Everyone has a different story to tell and there are certain events that are chaos magnets, they pull thousands of different stories to one place in time and weave hundreds of loose ends together to form the background of your story, which in turn is just the background to someone else’s story, all sharing the same soundtrack to that day.

Everyday in the underground is like a new episode of LOST.


Sunset. FREE Party on Treasure Island.

10th Annual Bring Your Own Big Wheel Race. Easter Sunday, 2010. San Francisco. FREE.

8 04 2010

Photo courtesy of Douglas Zimmerman

I usually have a lot of fun checking out the BYOBW race every year, but it has been raining sporadically these past few weeks and I’m old and cranky. It takes a lot for me to get out of the house these days, especially on a wet Sunday.

Fortunately my good friend Doug made it out and took some great pictures.

Such is the glory of the Internet. You never have to leave your house anymore and can still live the event vicariously through your computer.

Man, I think there’s a good chance that Sunset at Stafford Lake is going to get rained in this Sunday. Although if we pool our collective energies and prayers of restitution together, we might still be able to pull off a miracle. We’ll see.

32nd Annual Saint Stupid Day Parade. April Fools Day, 2010. San Francisco. FREE.

2 04 2010

Saint Stupid Day Parade. April Fools Day, 2010. San Francisco 3

Saint Stupid Day Parade. April Fools Day, 2010. San Francisco 4

Saint Stupid Day Parade. April Fools Day, 2010. San Francisco 9

Saint Stupid Day Parade. April Fools Day, 2010. San Francisco  6

Saint Stupid Day Parade. April Fools Day, 2010. San Francisco 23

Saint Stupid Day Parade. April Fools Day, 2010. San Francisco 13

Saint Stupid Day Parade. April Fools Day, 2010. San Francisco 11

Saint Stupid Day Parade. April Fools Day, 2010. San Francisco 17

Saint Stupid Day Parade. April Fools Day, 2010. San Francisco 29

Man, I took such better pictures last year

Sorry about that, folks. What can I say?

Sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you don’t.

On the way back home I passed by the Conservatory of Flowers which had a lot of life for a random Thursday afternoon.

I love that we all have our own little rituals in SF.

Each of us have our regular hangouts, domiciles, and favorite temporary autonomous zones.

Some of them are once a week, others are once a year, and some of them are even once every 13 years. It’s a pretty amazing culture…

Sundays in Golden Gate Park

29 03 2010

It’s amazing how much fun you can have for free in this giant multi-billion dollar back yard.

Sundays in the park really do make it all worthwhile.

It’s neat how skaters can power up like that. That’s a move you’d normally see superheroes do right before they switch into their uniforms to go fight crime. The superhero analogy works really well with a lot of the park regulars. D has been throwing Skatin’ Place for over 30 years (!) now in Golden Gate Park and a lot of the regulars have their own unique look and signature moves.

People watching on a sunny day is like channel surfing.

Everyone’s body language is telling a different story.

D has excellent taste in music, as is evident in this special 6 hour version of Rapper’s Delight. Seriously. This song went on forever. It was the perfect soundtrack to a perfect day in the park.

Now it’s just a day later and the weather is crappy and overcast. Weird how bi-polar Mother Nature can be out here. It’s funny also how if she’s in a good mood she’ll save the sunny days for the weekend and then dump the crappy days on the start of the work week.

You must grab as many of those sunny days in the park as you can.

That’s an imperative to your urban survival.


Local San Francisco architect Glenn Robert Lym just released an amazing documentary on the history of Golden Gate Park.

How weird, there used to be a public park on where now stands Kink. I had no idea.

How even weirder to think that a good chunk of Golden Gate Park was created and maintained just an excuse for the bourgeoisie, like that psycho motherfucker De Young , to show off all of his toys.

And there was a temporary artsy type Disney Land on the west end of Golden Gate Park that looked like Burning Man at night? How odd.

How weird to think of Golden Gate Park as not only this battleground between the proletariat and bourgeoisie, but also an organic, man-made artifact that both sides have kept alive for generations.

I’m not sure if it’s a battle where only one side can win, all I can testify too is the fact that you can be broke and still have a whole world of fun in Golden Gate Park.


Skatin’ Place at Burning Man 2001 – 2002