“That STILL don’t match!”

28 07 2010

So I was making fun of this house a few weeks ago.

The Spirit of Carville still lives on. Ocean Beach, Outer Sunset SF 5

Lord knows why anyone would think it’s a good idea to build a wood shingle kind of room on top of a sickly green colored room and call it a house, but hey. It’s a free country. I had a nice chuckle at my neighbors expense and then went on about my business.

Then while taking a new way home the other day I discovered this guy.

That STILL don’t match!

One house with a wood shingle kind of room built on top of a sickly green colored room and I can chalk that up to the actions of a lone nut.

But TWO houses with a wood shingle kind of room built on top of a sickly green colored room, both just a few blocks away from each other?

Now we’re talking about a conspiracy.



One response

15 07 2011

great spotting,

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