First Annual Burning Man Pre-Compression. San Francisco. June 19, 2010.

21 06 2010

First Annual Burning Man Pre-Compression. San Francisco. June 19, 2010. 1

I really love that dogmatic cult icon.

The first thing I do once I win the lottery is buy me a Burning Man. I know a lot of people would consider that blasphemy, but that’s part of what makes it the holy grail of collectable action figures. I must have one for my living room.


Burning Man in Oakland Next Week.



One response

7 02 2011
St. Taraval

People are still doing Burning Man?

How utterly quaint. I hope they’ve added an ironic browarch to “leave no trace” by now. All I remember is a bunch of boojwa suburban hipsters from the Midwest, renting Winnebagos so they could drive to the desert and hopefully get blown while tripping while having their sofa dragged across the sand by an SUV.

IOW, Silicon Hugh Hefner.

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