2nd Annual Michael Jackson Flashmob Tribute. Ferry Building Plaza, San Francisco. June 25, 2010. FREE.

26 06 2010

You know it’s a good sign when Frank Chu, PLANT TREES, and D. Miles Jr. are all there at the start of your party, along with half a dozen other unique San Francisco icons that I recognize but don’t have their urls. All the planets were in perfect alignment for this one.

There was a moment where Deep took the microphone and was teasing all the people on the steps of the tower for not participating. “C’mon, all you bloggers. It’s OK to dance” But it’s true. A year ago the steps to the tower were filled with skaters. Now it’s all bloggers.

Video courtesy of Kevin Syoza


“It’s OK. You can sing, San Francisco. Don’t be embarrassed. C’mon Hippsters!”

Flashdance Party at the Ferry Plaza. August 1st, 2009. FREE.

Amandeep Jawa (Flashdance) and D Miles Jr (Skatin’ Place) vs SFPD. San Francisco Halloween 2009. FREE.



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